Moving 101



Getting ready for a move requires time, planning — and a good bit of hard work. Whether you’re moving from a larger space to a smaller one or vice versa, there are almost certainly items that you uncover as you consider a move that you don’t want to take with you. If you don’t want to move a ton of extra “stuff” that you may never use again, try these pre-move clean-out tips.

Keep, Toss, Donate
Organization experts recommend that you go through your items on a regular basis, determining what you simply can’t live without and what you simply won’t miss when it’s gone. If these items are in bad shape, you may not even be able to donate them and will need to toss them immediately. One way to move quickly through each room is to make three piles: one each to keep, toss and donate. When in doubt, give it away.

Use Color Coding
Getting organized is one thing, staying that way during a move is quite another! Try assigning a single color of tape or marker to each room in your home (and keeping track in a central location such as a moving clipboard). Each box or package that goes in your living room is marked with blue, for instance. This easy system allows you to see at a glance where a particular box belongs.

Keep it Clean
It’s always easier to clean as you go, as waiting until everything is finished can leave you with what feels like an overwhelming job. Try cleaning a bit in each room as you go, that way you’re one step closer to the door when it’s time to finish packing and hit the road.

Having the right tools for the job starts with working with a knowledgeable team. Contact the pros at West Coast Moving Systems today at 510-893-3810 to learn more or get a free video quote.

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